Thursday, 26 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 25 already!

Measurements still all the same, weight still hovering around 141 / 142lb which is annoying but I think next week is where a lot of the changes will occur.

I'm still down an inch on the hip, 2 in on the navel, 1.5 in on the thigh glute fold, 0.5 in on the mid thigh as well as being up 1 in on the chest and shoulders, it's just that all that happened in week 1 so no changes since then!

Pretty good though and even better if there is supercompensation while I'm yoga-ing next week - even better if it persists while I'm snowboarding and chillaxin the 2 weeks after!

And I'm onto Jon Le Tocq's 'Operation Storm Force' 12 week challenge as soon as I get back..

More info on that to follow! Luckily only have to blog progress weekly - daily is hard work and a pain!

Super easy workout today - 10 sets of 10 incline chest press - crazy!

Glad too as I've just had to start a course of antibiotics for an infection - they always knock me for 6, maybe the infection is part of the reason why I've been feeling a bit under-recovered the past couple of days...

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 24

Tired for workout today - might be as I'm trying to keep the cals / carbs so low....

Pull ups were rubbish - managed 6/6/6/6 the other day but today 6/5/3&2/4 - terrible! Felt great on DLs though - could have gone heavier than 60kg easy...

Did 4 sets of 6 clean and presses with the 20kg today too which I was happy with. Not sure I can justify going back to the 16kg now though, dammit!

Getting a bit bored of the 4 x 40 bits and the GVT arms felt a bit tedious too - think it's the overtraining kicking in! But also there has been too much arm stuff - don't really want huge guns so kinda resenting GVT Bis & Tris!

Was thinking of adding HIIT to kickstart the results a bit, but to be honest I'm so busy (hence the brevity of most of these posts now!) and a bit bored of the training now too (3 weeks of one style and I'm itching for a change as a rule anyway!) so just want to do what I have to do and get out. Also feeling tired and lower on energy. Shoulda added the HIIT in the middle 2 weeks I reckon...

Looking forward to lots of yoga next week with some KB HIIT and maybe a DVD or 2, then 2 weeks snowboarding with daily yoga - yay!

Muscle in a Month Day 23

Measurements all the same.

Workout was OK, feeling like I just want it over with now to be honest!

Finally some legs though - definitely not enough leg work for me in this programme - although that will suit most of you guys I'm sure!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 22

No pics this morning as running late, measurements all the same again...

Tightening up on the diet - back to my usual plan, limiting cals and carbs, 1700 ish cals and 100g carbs.

Workout was hard today - fisrt time I've struggled in the press ups, think it was as I had trained late last night (inc shoulders) then worked out first thing, having not had time for breakfast, so not a great combo!

Only 6 workouts to go - crazy! I do have a 3 week attention span - get a bit bored of the same format after the 3 week point, so now just want to get it done! Will be good to see the results kick in as they should this week and next - keeping a close eye on the nutrition for the week after too - so may even hit my goal of 138 (realised 135 aint gonna happen on this programme!) by holiday on 7th March!

Muscle in a Month Day 21

No pics, late workout, measurements all the same...

Muscle in a Month Day 20

Late workout which is not my ideal, especially at the weekend...

Measurements all the same, chest 33in.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 19 - More press ups!

A pretty long workout today - 60 sets but managed to get through in 75 mins which was cool.

Clean and pressing the 20kg KB for 5 reps, supersetted with windmills using the same. Managed all 4 sets of 40 press ups too which was good - they are getting easier too!

45kg bench press for 6 reps, and 40kg for 6 reps on the close grip benches...

All good.

Measurements all the same (chest 32.5). Weight is still annoyingly 142 ish - still 4lb down on the start of the challenge but I don't count that as I had been 140 on the Friday so most if not all of that 6lb I'd gained over the weekend usually drops back within the week. Reckon I'll see the weight drop in the week after though, going to have a mainly yoga week and do lots of foam rolling (honest...) and that should see the body stabilise.

Also would have been better if I had just stuck to the nutrition plan I was on before the challenge as the weight had been steadily dropping. Changing to 'following' a programme did disrupt my equilibium somewhat and while some of the changes have been beneficial I could have done with leaving things as they were, as it was working really well. Next time I do this I'll do my own thing on the nutrition front, and not follow the Elimination Diet as such (my diet is not far off it but I really don't like the concept of banning anything - been there and bought the disordered T-shirt, thanks).

Anyway, wonder what we've got in store tomorrow. Crazy that there are only 9 workout days left - this last week (today and Tuesday being the exception) has felt so light - since last Friday workouts have been a bit shorter and we've had a couple of rest days, but left me feeling itching for more! Shows the conditioning has improved I guess...

Muscle in a Month Day 18 - ahhhhhhhh....

Well, what a surprise - another rest day!

Luckily co-incided with super busy day and massage so perfectly timed...

Didn't get a chance for pics this morning - measurements all the same, waist back down to 27 (having been at 27.5 for a few days after the weekend's wheat / sugar / alcohol!). Also thigh 22in from 22.5.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 17

Super long workout today - and enjoyed it!

Managed 6, 6, 4, 5 chins today which I was happy with. Felt good in general - missed i yesterday! Although gave my forearms a chance to recover after Sunday nights 10 x 10 squat / DL combo with DBs!

Measurements same, except chest measured 33in - seems to fluctuate between 32.3 and 33, think it must just be measuring error / difference (or breathing!)

Muscle in a Month Day 16

Rest day today - and soooo productive!


Navel back to 29, rest all the same as yesterday.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 15

Measurements - waist up to 27.5 after the weekend's food! As expected, will drop back in a couple of days I'm sure. Weight was 5lb up too - again, normal for me after food like I've had...

Didn't get pics this morning - partly lack of time and partly as I really couldn't face the camera!

Workout is all good - 4 x 40 press ups all done yet again! Another relatively ow volume workout, which leads me to think we have a killer week ahead, as since Friday all the workouts have been pretty short...

Not hungry this morning (the grehlin effects of overeating / eating carbs still showing!) so fasted workout. Today is low carb day anyway - going to be carb cycling from now on...

Muscle in a Month Day 14...

Well, wasn't sure I'd manage the workout as have been away for the weekend - these pics were taken on the balcony, not just a sea view but we were practically on the sea - it was fab!

But did the workout when I got home - as it was GVT style squats and deadlifts could have really done with the gym - mainly as holding the 2 heavy DBs for the entire lot was impossible - hands and forearms suffered more than the legs did... But glad to have got the workout done and it made me feel a million times better after the 'recreational' food I consumed in the day - it just messes with my sugar levels and I feel so bad when I don't eat my normal protein / veg based diet!

Measurements basically the same, but waist up to 27.5, wonder why...

Food last night and today was totally off plan! Champagne, chocolate, 4 course meal last night and a cooked breakfast this morning as well as a cream tea this afternoon! Could have been better, I know, but I wasn't! Going to be strict on the calories and carbs (rotating as mentioned in my last post) for the rest of the month now though - no deviations whatsoever!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Day 13 Measurements, Pics & Workout

Measurements same again.... Think the bits getting smaller are just not the sites I'm measuring!

I'm out for a Valentine's Day meal tonight and will be not ED compliant! I've had this planned the whole time and I'm not forfeiting a weekend away with my boyfriend for anything... Couldn't start this after this weekend as snowboarding in 3 weeks so decided I'd have to allow myself a night off the diet. I know I will put on a few lb over the weekend as I always do (water retention usually / mostly), but I'm sure the power of the training is enough to compensate!

There is a chance I may miss tomorrow's workout as we are away for the weekend and may not be back in time to get to the gym (and as its squats and deadlifts would prefer to do at the gym, with the bar and bigger weights), I'll decide that tomorrow! I can do it at home and it won't compromise the workout too much - can still use 24kg DBs for squats and SLDLs... Would prefer to be on track workout wise and not a day behind the others! Also I'll be having a high carb breakfast so a good day to use those carbs productively...

To kick start the fat loss for the last 2 weeks, and to compensate for my night off the ED (and on the champagne!) tonight, I'm going to carb cycle from now on. 2.5 - 3 days low carb (veggies plus a small portion greek yog & blueberries as only carb) and 0.5-1 day high carb (fruit, oats, rye bread and poss starchy veggies). Started yesterday, so lower carb yesterday and all day today until dinner, then high carb dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow then low till Wed....

Reasonably easy workout today - in the middle of it now - writing this between sets of DB shoulder presses!

Pull ups today - will update this post if I manage anything more than 4 sets of 5...

UPDATE: YAY!!! Managed 4 sets of 6 chins - hooray...

Day 12 Measurements, Pics & Workout

Day 12 Workout was actually harder than I thought it would be - possibly as it was such a short workout I didn't ever get in the zone.

Measurements the same today but definitely feeling leaner and had comments that I look smaller so going the right way...

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 11 (& 12) Workout

Hard today - not sure if it was because I had a non-ED compliant protein bar for breakfast (no quite sure why) or because we did a chest set, a biceps set and a triceps set: whereas every time we've had 4 x 40 press ups so far its been as straight sets or as a superset using different muscle groups, today it was bench press, flyes and then 40 press ups, with no rest!

I still managed all 40 though! Was pleased but felt like I was going to cry, or hurl, or both...

First set of bench did 50kg x 4 reps, then dropped to 40kg for 6 reps. 10kg on the flyes which was really hard - chest still sore from last time! Biceps did 25kg BB curls 4-6 reps and triceps did 20 kg DBs for close grip chest presses (bars all being used again - seems to be the only exercise I can't get the bar!)

Hard but good...

I'm writing this as I've found out tomorrow's workout - only a few blinking windmills, I can't believe it! Really annoying as I really could do with such a day on Sunday as away for the weekend but have plenty of time to train tomorrow! But apparently Sunday is a heavy day... There is a chance I may skip Sunday and do the workout first thing Monday instead - I'd rather do that than rush the workout or bodge it at home if it is a workout best done at the gym. We'll see...

Muscle in a Month Day 11 Measurements and Pics

Chest 32.5 (yesterday was 33, day before was 32.5, started 32)
Shoulder 42
Wasit 27
Navel 29
Hip 37
Thigh 22.5
Thigh 18
Calf 13.5
Arm 12
Weight 141.6lb

All measurements basically the same still... Feeling a bit leaner though... Doesn't look it in the pics, how much do I hate that bit?!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Dax Moy's Muscle in a Month: Day 10 Workout....

All done! 60kg squats, 40kg split squats, 50kg DLS, 10kg on the shoulder presses and feel like I should've used the 20kg KB for the clean and presses as 16kg felt light!

Enjoyable, but tagging the GVT bit onto the end made it seem to take ages! Managed to get all the kit I needed despite the gym being busy, and forearms pumped after the DLs...

Day 10 Measurements and Pics

Measurements same again, except chest read 33in. Weight the same too.

Had a massage yesterday and the therapist said she thought I looked more muscular - seeing her again in 9 days so will be good to see what she thinks!

Pics - didn't get any this morning as running late - having received a prank PT enquiry phone call at bloody midnight! What a git - don't these wierdos realise I need my sleep to recover from this dastardly training programme!

Day 9 Workout

Practically a rest day - pleased to manage 4 sets of 5 chin ups this time though... Lats and core, not much volume, ahhhhhhh......

Day 9 Measurements and Pics

Measurements similar - chest up to 32.5 again. Weight finally dropped a bit to 141.6kg.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Muscle In a Month - Day 8 Workout: 4 x 40 Press Ups - again!!

Enjoyed today's workout (in a strange kinda way!).

Managed the 4 sets of 40 press ups again which I was really pleased with and actually managed to up my reps / weight on certain exercises, despite thinking I'd be feeling weaker...

Bench press up to 5 reps 50kg, Hammer Curls 6 reps 12.5kg DBs, Flye up to 10 kg 12 reps, BB curls 20kg bar 12 reps, C&P 16kg KB, Shoulder press up to 12 reps with 9kg. Did the 10 sets of 10 SLDLs with 60kg, CG Chest Press with 2 x 20kg DBs 5 reps, last set couldn't manage rep 3 so essentially 2 + 3. Extensions 20kg bar...

Feel much less sore in general, as seems to be the norm. Not sure how I'm going to manage yoga tonight - sun salutations are basically close grip press ups and my triceps aren't up to much more today!

But really enjoying the challenge, enjoying the daily 'excitement' over what the next day's workout will have in store and enjoying getting to train every day! I usually take rest more because I know I should, or feel like I need it. It's liberating knowing we are purposefully getting into the overtraining realm, so it doesn't matter!

Elimination Diet is all good too. The only thing I miss are my protein shakes / bars as they are so convenient and easy to control calories - I'm still having the Solgar Whey in shakes (unsweetened) but much prefer my yummy Dorian - makes delicious oaty pancakes and porridge!

My carb levels are higher than normal, mostly as I'm eating more fruit where I might otherwise have had a shake /bar, so shouldn't be a big deal. Hitting nearer equal on the macros than usual which I've been trying to do for ages - previously was low on carbs and fat and 45% ish on protein. Swapping shakes for nuts and fruit has averaged that out a bit better... I am finding I'm pretty hungry and I have let my calories increase a little, but still aiming for 500 cal average deficit per day (based on readings from my Go Wear fit - the armband thing I'm wearing in some of the pics... Under-reads if anything, especially with resistance training and cycling). I was on about 750 deficit in Jan, but mainly because I don't want to end up overtrained too early and because I'm eating 100% clean figured a bit more is not a bad thing. Will adjust if the weight stays constant this week though (although I know this is about increasing muscle, but I can't help wanting the scales to read what I want them to read!).

Muscle In a Month - Day 8 Measurements & Pics

Measurements & weight all the same this morning, as expected really.

Feeling good though!

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Dax Moy's Muscle in a Month: Day 7 Measurements, Pics & EASY day!

Measurements basically the same as yesterday - except waist seems to be down 0.5 to 27 in.

Seems quite a difference between the pics 2 days ago - although might be the angle of the pics / different clothes etc.

Workout-wise today was a dream! Couldn't get to the gym so squats using 2 x 24kg DBs - could have gone heavier and next time legs combine with the gym will be able to push that a bit. 2 x 20 kg KBs for lunges, which was enough really. Windmill 20kg KB as usual. Lots of squat jumps - more height today as not part of a leg superset and did long lever SB crunches (as couldn't decide which to do...)

Short and sweet! Hopefully will be the same next Sunday as I'm away for the weekend for Valentines' Day. I'm going to be 'cheating' on the ED by drinking wine and champagne, but have already told the hotel I can't have wheat, dairy or sugar and asked for live yoghurt and fruit for dessert (4 course meal is included!) and they have porridge, fruit and yog for breakfast so hopefully all will be OK! Could do without a huge killer workout when I get back from that next Sunday though!!!

Day 6 Measurements and Pics

OK, actually didn't get pics today! Oli was in bed when I got up to get to the gym for my workout, and as I've been taking them before training thought I'd missed my window, and then we were just too busy... So a day is missing pic-wise!

Measurements all pretty much the same:
Chest 33
Shoulders 42
Navel 29
Waist 27.5
Hips 37
Thigh GF 22.5
Thigh Mid 18
Calf 13.5
Arm 12

Weight is annoying as I was 140 on Friday last week, then had a bit of a bad weekend (more cals than I should, wine 3 nights and ate foods I normally don't - in part as I knew the Elimination Diet was coming!) so went up to 146 by Monday (standard weight gain after a few days - of course a lot water / bloating etc - I certainly didn't eat 3500 over maintenance x 6 for that to be pure fat!) but whereas I usually drop down within a few days I've only dropped to 142.5lb.

I am eating a bit more than usual - I find I struggle to keep cals as low on the ED as when I can eat protein shakes and bars as they really fill me up on fewer cals. I eat more fruit and nuts on the ED and need more cals to feel satisfied. BUT that is one of the premises of the ED - you can lose fat even on higher cals once the fake foods are out. My diet is pretty clean usually so the main difference for me is the caffeine and sweetners and other stuff from protein shakes / bars.

Anyway, pretty sure some of the weight not dropping off is due to inflammation from the intense training - when I had a complete 3 week break from training in December (on 12-1400 cals / day and still being active) my weight dropped really quickly but fitness or muscle didn't seem to drop at all.

So a roundabout way of saying it doesn't bother me, honest, that I am now heavier than I was on Friday last week! I also have faith in the programme and I'm sure that there will be a 'whoosh' at some point - I'm eating at a deficit so should lose fat.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Day 6 Workout - Popeye Eat Your Heart Out!

Lucky I had spinach for dinner last night, as today's workout was biceps-popping! In fact my jacket was very tight on the arms when I left the gym!

So what did Day 6 of Dax Moy's Muscle in a Month Programme have in store for us? I can't of course tell you the exact protocol as that is top secret but here's my weights and reps for most of the exercises (there were more bodyweight exercises which I did as dictated in the programme)

Deadlifts - did 60 kgs 6 reps and pullups, managed 5, 4, 4, 4.

Bent over rows 12 reps of 35kg, SA Pulldowns set at 15 on the lat pulldown machine (40!). Hammer curls 6 reps with 12.5kg DBs and Close Grip Bench 6 reps of 40kg. Barbell curls and triceps extension used 20 kg bar - 10 reps biceps and 12 tris. Cable curls and rope triceps extensions set at 10 on the cable machine...

Friday, 6 February 2009

Day 5 Workout: 4 sets of 40 push ups achieved!

Yay, all done and I'm struggling to type!!

Gym today so could go a bit heavier - need to schedule leg days with the gym really to get heavier on the squats and deadlifts.

Anyway, 50kg bench press 4 reps each set, 20kg KB for the windmills 5 reps each set. 9kg for the chest flyes and max reps for those and the leg raises.

Managed to do each of the 4 sets of 40 push ups without stopping!!! Full ones, not girly ones, before you ask! I was cursing Dax and making some kinda noise by the last 10 on each...

Clean & Press 16kg KB 6 ES and started DB press at 10 first set then 9kg for the rest, only 8 reps of each. Whimpering like a baby through the lat raises with a 2kg... And gues when all the meatheads turned up...

Abs easy enough, just a case of getting them done... Took about 50 mins all in, actually more enjoyable than I had anticipated (not saying much as I was anticipating absolute horror!). Given that chest & shoulders were already DOM'd up I'm amazed (and relieved) to have got through it...

Now I have to teach a KB clinic and tonight teaching yoga - think the Chaturangas are going to floor me...

Day 5 Measurements and Pics

I take the measurements in the am before working out, so not sure I shouldn't be calling these Day 4, if you see what I mean. But this is how I'm doing it so I'll stick with it...

Chest: 33
Shoulders: 42.5
Navel: 29
Waist: 27.5
Hips: 37
Thigh GF: 22.5
Thigh: 18
Calf: 13.5
Arm: 12 (they are soo going to be bigger after Day 5's crazy workout!!)

Will add pics later... Hate that bit (both the taking and the posting) so much!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Day 4 Workout... Short and Sweet!

Loved it today too - short and sweet!

Actually really enjoying the harrups - have a futon that makes the set up perfect... Love the logic of putting them in after monster chest day and after triceps - was harder to be too explosive so worked the hams more than last time...

Used 25lb DB for the biceps and 52.5lb DBs for the SLDL - too light but all I had... Did dips not close grip chest press, felt quite easy for some reason....

What has tomorrow got in store for us? Eeeeeek....

Progress So Far: Day 4

So far it would seem I have:

+ 0.5 chest (not bust but might make it look bigger!)
+ 0.25 shoulders (I'm measuring all the way round)
- 2 in navel (some of that was expected due to eating wheat etc Sun that I don't usually so started bigger than usual!)
- 0.5 in waist
-1.5 hips
- 1 thigh - gluteal fold
- 0.5 thigh
Arm not sure as took mid point not widest point on day 1 & 2...

I'm deliberately staying as detached as possible from the results, but now I've looked at it like that seems to be some difference already! I'm kinda thinking it all might be measuring error (I'm measuring myself first thing in the morning) but looks like there definitely is a trend...

Makes all this hard work seem worthwhile!

Day 4 Measurements and Pics...

Chest: 32.5
Shoulders: 42.5
Navel: 29
Waist: 27.5
Hips: 37
Thigh (G/F): 22.5
Thigh (mid): 18
Calf: 13.5
Arm widest: 12

Pics (yeurgghhh... I hate this bit...)

Day 3 Measurements and Pics....

Chest: 32
Shoulders: 42
Navel: 29.5
Waist: 28
Hips: 38
Thigh (gluteal fold): 23
Thigh (4in above patella) 18.5
Calf: 13.5
Arm widest (net been doing widest till today I think) 12in

Not making any comments, just observing!

Pics (looking miserable as usual):