Thursday, 26 February 2009

Muscle in a Month Day 25 already!

Measurements still all the same, weight still hovering around 141 / 142lb which is annoying but I think next week is where a lot of the changes will occur.

I'm still down an inch on the hip, 2 in on the navel, 1.5 in on the thigh glute fold, 0.5 in on the mid thigh as well as being up 1 in on the chest and shoulders, it's just that all that happened in week 1 so no changes since then!

Pretty good though and even better if there is supercompensation while I'm yoga-ing next week - even better if it persists while I'm snowboarding and chillaxin the 2 weeks after!

And I'm onto Jon Le Tocq's 'Operation Storm Force' 12 week challenge as soon as I get back..

More info on that to follow! Luckily only have to blog progress weekly - daily is hard work and a pain!

Super easy workout today - 10 sets of 10 incline chest press - crazy!

Glad too as I've just had to start a course of antibiotics for an infection - they always knock me for 6, maybe the infection is part of the reason why I've been feeling a bit under-recovered the past couple of days...

1 comment:

  1. Can you feel a difference in your body and would you do it again? How's the nutrition component working out? Have you done a lot of k-bell workouts with this?
